
In the spirit of a season of joy and celebration, Life Baker Group of Schools paid a visit to the Voice of Watchman Hope Orphanage Home, Ota on Saturday, December 3, 2022.

The team of students and staff were led by some members of the School Management on the charity visit to the orphanage.  A passion for giving back which has developed into an annual event for Life Baker, provides the School with the opportunity to contribute its quota to the well-being of the less privileged in the community.

During the visit, Life Baker students mingled and interacted with children. They taught the children some songs which they all sang together and danced.  The School Administrative Manager, Mrs. Ogunrinde gave the children words of encouragement and assured them that there are people out there who truly care about them.

The team prayed with the children and donated gifts and food items to them.  It was indeed a fulfilling  moment for everyone present.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”

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